Unmanned Aircraft Systems / Drone Policy

Date Last Updated: 05/09/2016
Status: Approved by Cabinet

This policy applies to the Walla Walla University community: students, faculty, administrators, staff, visitors, guests and any others who operate a UAS in university airspace.

Policy Purpose

就像对其他学术或其他重要操作的高度管制的技术一样, 沃拉沃拉大学寻求允许UAS和无人机以充分满足机构的方式有效地利用, legal, public safety and ethical responsibilities.

Policy Summary

To provide direction to anyone possessing or operating a UAS on WWU property. Direction includes registration of specific UAS types, 管理其使用的规则和条例以及违反此政策的具体制裁.

Definition of Terms in Statement


UAS - Unmanned Aircraft System

UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Can be known as a drone. 0.55 to 55 pounds in weight.

FPV - “First Person View”. Camera attached to a UAS solely used by operator to navigate UAS.

FAA - Federal Aviation Administration

AMA - Academy of Model Aeronautics

“Micro” (UAS) - Weighing less than 0.55 pounds and made for “indoor/outdoor use”

LOS - Line of Sight

Policy Statement

无人驾驶飞机系统(“UAS”)的使用可以为各种学科的大学研究和服务/推广做出重大贡献. Additionally, 无人机的航空摄影可以潜在地帮助大学的学术研究, research), marketing, land management, athletics, law enforcement, and other support functions.

UAS regulation is emerging and multi-faceted. 无人机操作安全(包括无人机设备和远程操作的飞行员)由联邦航空局监管, 尽管FAA的政策框架在不久的将来可能会发生重大变化. In light of the evolving nature of this infant industry, this policy will change to keep current as we move forward.


  1. All students, faculty, staff, administrators, visitors to campus, 访客及其他在校园内持有无人机者,受本规定约束.
  2. 校园安全部门将执行这些规定,就像执行所有学校的规章制度一样.
  3. As with all regulations, the campus community will be expected to report any reckless, irresponsible and malicious UAS activity on campus to Campus Security.
  4. The WWU UAS Committee exists for the purpose of maintaining this policy.

All Operators of any UAS on WWU campuses must abide by these regulations:

  1. By statute all aircraft over 0.55 pounds are required to register with the FAA at www.faa.gov, with their drone registration. Congress has defined "aircraft" to include UAS, regardless of whether they are operated by modelers and hobbyists.
  2. UAS operators must register with Campus Security at the Campus Security office. UAS operators that would like to operate UAS on campus that weigh more than 0.55磅必须在校园安全办公室注册,并在批准的无人机操作员名单上. Failure to register will result in fines, disciplinary action and/or loss of privilege to possess UAS on campus.
  3. Aircraft exceeding 4.4 pounds must be insured. Contact Campus Security for details.
  4. Aircraft flight weight must not exceed 10 pounds.
  5. Must not fly beyond line of sight. (FAA)
  6. Must not exceed 400 feet of altitude. (FAA)
  7. Must not use metal blade propellors. (AMA)
  8. Must not fly in a way that endangers people, vehicles, or other property.
  9. 不能以鲁莽或粗心的方式或在酒精/药物的影响下操作.
  10. Operation of a UAS using FPV is strictly prohibited.
  11. 如果无人机重量超过0,必须在任何拟议的无人机飞行前通知校园安全吗.55 pounds. Notification can be sent to security via uas@shanemichaelmurray.com.
  12. Must maintain awareness of local air traffic. WWU的主校区靠近马丁机场,位于大多数飞行员使用的23号跑道的进近处. 大多数飞行员都在大学上空500英尺或更高的要求高度,但他们可以更低. 在100英尺以上飞行的无人机应该使用观察员,如果在该地区发现飞机,应立即降落. UAS operators can monitor frequency 122.8 for aircraft in the approach pattern. 无人机操作员有责任避开任何常规飞机.
  13. 无人机只能在能见度至少3英里的白天飞行. 如果能见度低于3英里,则高度限制在100英尺.
  14. UAS should not travel at excessive or unsafe speeds.
  15. 不得从无人机上掉落物品,除非它是由大学进行的,与课程或研究有关,并由WWU员工严格监控.
  16. All pilots must conduct pre-flight checks on their UAS.
  17. UAS flights are restricted to outdoor use only.
  18. UAS operators should avoid flying over people not involved in the activity.

Any exceptions to this policy require written permission from Campus Security.


  1. 澳门真人官网赌场建议运营商保持最新的FAA娱乐用途的要求. FAA Regulations found on www.faa.gov.
  2. 澳门真人官网赌场还建议运营商在校园内外都有一个观察员.
  3. Operators should be familiar with local maps of where not to fly.


UAS offer a unique perspective on the world. 它们允许用户看到事物,并拍摄普通人通常看不到的事物的照片/视频. This presents some unique privacy concerns. Laws specific to UAS and privacy are still developing. 虽然在公众视野中拍摄人物和地方是合法的, 无人机提供了比普通摄影师更多的视野. 经验法则:如果一个人在你希望拍摄或视频的场景中有一个合理的隐私期望, you should refrain from capturing those images. 世界自然大学校园内的无人机操作员应该熟悉隐私法,因为它目前代表摄影师. Use this great resource to learn more about privacy laws in regards to photographers


违反规章制度的行为将受到个别调查. Sanctions may include:

  1. Up to a $500.00 fine
  2. 注册被撤销和/或失去在世界大学校园内飞行或拥有无人驾驶飞机的特权.
  3. Disciplinary action including confiscation. 对于无人机操作人员的恶劣行为和/或疏忽,安全总监及其工作人员可以立即撤销飞行授权并没收无人机.




如果您想要在世界自然大学校园内操作无人机,您必须注册并签署一份声明,声明您已阅读并将遵守世界自然大学无人机政策. After signing this paperwork and waiver at the Campus Security office, 你的名字可能会被列入世界自然大学认可的无人机操作员名单,该名单将由校园保安保管.

Roles and Responsibilities

WWU Campus Security

  1. Chair UAS Committee
  2. Initiate UAS campus announcement annually
  3. Manage UAS registration through the Campus Security office
  4. 通过事件报告来执行UAS的规章制度,就像目前处理任何校园事件一样

UAS Committee

  1. The UAS Committee consists of the Director of Campus Security, one representative from Marketing and University Relations, one representative from the Technology Department, one representative from the School of Engineering, 通讯和语文部代表及风险和安全管理主任一名,以维持这项政策.
  2. Review/maintain/amend the UAS Policy as needed.
  3. 解决与UAS事件有关的问题,以及FAA或其他认可机构提出的规则和法规变更.
  4. 在与FAA无关的问题上,需要三分之二的多数票才能改变这一政策.
  5. The committee will meet annually and as needed to review the policy. 该委员会还将被要求对纪律行动提出上诉,并对有关无人机的申诉提出申诉.

UAS Operator Responsibilities

  1. Operate UAS within the guidelines set herein.
  2. 向校园保安报告任何导致人身伤害和/或财产损失的无人机坠毁事件.

This policy will be updated periodically based on changes in local, state and federal law and on updates to UAS operational best-practices. 当此政策有重大变化时,澳门真人官网赌场将通过电子邮件通知您. Following your receipt of that notification, 如果你继续在大学物业上使用无人机系统,就意味着你已经阅读并接受了最新的政策.

Application to operate a UAS in university airspace.


security@shanemichaelmurray.com | (509) 527-2613

Be prepared to provide the following information:

  • FAA UAS Certificate Number
  • UAS Make/Model
  • UAS Serial Number
  • UAS Weight