Come ask the questions you’ll answer for others.

The goal of the School of 神学 is to develop future leaders equipped for a ministry of proclamation, 敬拜, and nurturing within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. You will gain a thorough knowledge of Biblical Languages, SDA遗产, and Christian 信仰 and Scripture, as well as the skills necessary to communicate your knowledge in order to foster others' faith. This is accomplished through a well-established advisement program, and classroom instruction based on lectures, 阅读, 对话, 和调查. You will sharpen your skills through field experiences such working with the pastoral staff of local churches, hospital visitation, or being involved in regional evangelistic meetings.




认识澳门真人官网赌场的毕业生, read about recent mission trips, catch up on our professor's latest accomplishments and publications. Read the latest news from the School of 神学. 


When you study in our program, you can be confident in your education, knowing that our students continue to earn 最高分数 on seminary entrance exams in Greek, Hebrew, and biblical knowledge. Your professors will use a balanced, wholistic approach in their classes, preparing you for ministry, seminary, and chaplaincy. Not only will your professors be deeply committed to God, to understanding the Bible, and to the Adventist message and movement--they will also develop a relationship with you and take a genuine interest in your life, career, and experience at WWU. As a student in our program you will ask difficult questions and participate in critical discussions encouraged by our faculty. You will be in the company of others interested in engaging in the critical issues 澳门真人官网赌场的时代. Unique to the WWU School of 神学 is a major in biblical languages, and while you're completing your degree, you'll have the option to earn a whole year of Hebrew credit in one summer while studying in 耶路撒冷.

Our faculty has built strong relationships with conferences across the country and our graduates have found high employment rates in ministry.

Our graduates have successfully gained entrance to chaplaincy training programs and subsequently served as chaplains in schools and hospitals.

Education administration
Many theology graduates are also pursuing successful careers in educational administration as principals and vice principals both within and outside of the Adventist educational system.

WWU School of 神学 graduates are known for their abilities in abstract thinking and public persuasion. Several students have gone on to law school, including one serving as a lawyer for the U.S. 海军.

Many students continue their studies after graduation (a recent graduate is studying at Yale University), some to become professors.

Because WWU has strong biblical languages program, graduates are prepared for a career in translation.


Bible Lands Study Tour

Have you ever been curious what the ancient Biblical world was like? This is your chance, a once-in-a-lifetime chance to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, 摩西, the Apostle Paul, and even John the Revelator! 学生 travel to Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey (ancient Asia 小) with Dr. Carl Cosaert and other School of 神学 教师. Imagine visiting Cairo, 耶路撒冷, the Mount of Olives, 耶利哥, 拿撒勒, 以弗所, 老底嘉, 和更多的! 

See how taking part in the Bible Lands study tour can make the Bible come alive >

Pastor Mentorship Program

Every year 10 students are involved in the pastor mentoring program. which places students in local church settings in the Walla Walla Valley and the Tri-Cities, working with active pastors to gain practical experience. 学生 participating in this project (typically during their junior year) work at least seven hours a week, and one of these hours must be direct interaction with the pastor. This practical experience is a requirement for all our theology majors.

Looking for other internship opportunities and hands-on experience? See how the Student Development Center can help you >


The purpose of 神学俱乐部 is to provide 社会 activities that allow members to associate together, become better acquainted with the School of 神学 faculty, and foster a closer relationship with God. Although the club is composed primarily of 神学 and Religion majors, it also includes students of different majors who share a similar interest in spiritual fellowship.

Learn more about clubs at WWU >


神学 Sabbath School

神学 faculty collaborate to teach one of the most highly attended Sabbath Schools on campus. This class meets weekly on the College Place campus and has supported projects such as missionaries in China and Africa, has helped with Bible translators in Papua New Guinea, donated to deaf outreach in Kenya, and purchased recording equipment in the Philippines. It also contributes to local projects and provides a top-notch potluck. All are invited to fellowship with this group weekly.


This is a weekly discussion of the Sabbath School lesson which is produced by 神学 faculty members and broadcasted by several radio stations in the United States and England. The program is available online and includes discussion guides.

Listen to 好词 online >


Statement of 任务

The mission of the Walla Walla University School of 神学 is to prepare students for ministry and to foster thoughtful and active engagement in the Christian faith from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective.  Religious education at WWU emphasizes Biblical knowledge, 敬拜, and service directed toward religious, 社会, and moral transformation.  All students are encouraged to deepen their faith in God and share the gospel of His love to others while awaiting Christ's return.